Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Answers on the Growth Hormone Quiz

1. Growth hormone releasing hormone
2. Sleeping
3-4. Pituitary dwarfism and Hypopituitarism
5. Skeletal muscles
6. Acromegaly
7. Laron's dwarfism
8. <5 ng/ml
9. 2-3 hours
10. Negative


eryLL on July 1, 2009 at 6:40 AM said...

kim, the answers on your case analysis is not here. im looking forward in seeing those. haha

Anjelica Naguiat on July 5, 2009 at 3:25 AM said...

hey=hekim. you have an incomplete post. where are your answers for the case study? it would be better if you posted those. ;) i like your layout, dark-- bringing out mystery (like you) haha. can you also fix mine? is this the twilight thing? goodluck.

Anjelica Naguiat on July 5, 2009 at 3:26 AM said...

hi kim. you have an incomplete post. where are your answers for the case study? it would be better if you posted those. ;) i like your layout, dark(like you)-- bringing out mystery. haha. can you also fix mine? is this the twilight thing? goodluck.

MYRON on July 8, 2009 at 6:56 AM said...

hi kim! congrats for being one of the best blogger for the week. i like your lay out! its brown. but wait, isn't redundant on your part? anyway, good job! keep it up!Ü

Kelly on July 9, 2009 at 12:46 AM said...

nice post but incomplete. hope to see your answer in the case ana soon

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