Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Quiz on Negative Feedback Mechanism


1. What is the physiological inhibition loop that controls the suppression and regulation of most endocrine hormones?

2. When TRH is released into the portal system it directs the thyrotrophs in the anterior pituitary to secrete ______________.

3. After negative feedback mechanism has occurred the hormone levels will tend to be _________.

4. When thyroxine is released in the blood and circulates to the hypothalamus and pituitary to suppress further ______ and ______ production.

5. The mechanism mainly depends on factors which maneuver the ________ and ______ of the hormones.

True or False

6. The high concentration of the hormone alone will trigger the negative feedback mechanism.

7. Negative feedback is generally termed as the response of the system in the same direction.

8. Negative feedback must be triggered by the effect and result of overproduction of the hormone.

9. Its major function is to bring the hormone levels back within the normal range.

10. Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroidal axis is an example of an endocrine negative feedback loop.

Case Analysis

Discuss briefly what happens in the homeostatic negative feedback loop when a person’s thyroid hormone levels increases in the blood’s circulation.

Original Photo: by dube1111


Cody on August 26, 2009 at 7:31 PM said...

That's a scary image, dude. You think they're really controlling stuff and pulling the strings? Anyway, keep blogging dude.

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